This is an introductory course to Dream Planting an ancient practice of consciously and subconsciously manifesting through your dreams for our BIPOC community. Learn to empower and manifest your dream life while you sleep. We first build a solid foundation of ancient ancestral practices to start healing and clearing our old wounds, traumas and things that no longer serve our current lives.
We heal and clear first so we can start rebuilding our human potential our gifts our "Don" within us to then cahrge our Tonalli (sacred energy) and then be able to receive all the blossoming blessings in our lives that come when we set intentions of Dream Planting our Lives on Purpose through these ancient ceremonies.
Our first cohort of 17 beautiful souls began in 2022 and what a magical experience it was for me to be able to offer our ancestral teachings to our coummidad.
I will take us on a beautiful journey to explore different spiritual hygiene to heal and clear, learn the magic of the four directions of the medicine wheel and then finally learn the ancient Dream Warrior practices of the ancient Mesoamerican people. These are spiritual and wellness practices that may help manifest the life we desire through a Toltec lineage.
These ancient practices have been handed down through our oral traditions for thousands of years. Uninterruupted from parent to child and teacher to student.
One of the most sacred of these is the Mexicatzin which is the Power of Blossoming or Dream Planting using sacred codices, breathing techniques, the sacred elements, movement and energy cleansing for a powerful way to create a shift in your life.
This is a sacred 5 Movement practice that helps you create your waking reality by consciously training your subconscious. It is not Dream Interpretation. It is an actual practice that is used to conciously creating your dream life as you sleep.
Our ancestors believed that during the time of "Ensoñación" drifting to sleep, which the latest brain science calls the hypnogogic phase, is the best time to train the subconscious to help create your waking reality. They were definitely ahead of their time.
With some of the oral history traditions from my family and teachers I have been able to blend these ancestral practices to help you create your own toolbox of hollistic healing and manifesting.
I have created a very unique approach towards spiritual hygiene, dream hygiene, the sacred 4 directions and using the power of Dream Planting to guide folks to embody their own Sacred Garden within so that we can manifest a healthier and happier life.
Our next cohort will begin in August of 2023. We meet once a week for 1 1/2 hours virtually via Zoom with the recordings available for two weeks after each class. You will get some worksheets and there will be exercises for you to do.
I follow the format of teaching the traditional way via our oral traditions. This means my expectations is that you will participate actively in the conversations, being seen on camera during our sessions, actively do the exercises and give feedback. Join us in this very special introduction to these sacred practices by filling out the application. There is a limit of participants for each cohort so that I can keep the container intimate and be able to give everyone the attention that they need.
am sooooo excited to dream with you all and callobrate in creating your Dream Life on Purpose.
With so many taking our teachings and making them unavailable for our BIPOC commities my Ofrenda to you is to make the energy exchange available to those that otherwise couldn't attain these teachings. I will be offering scholarships as well.
In native indigenous cultures it is customary that there be an exchange of physical energy so this 6 week teaching is a sliding scale: of $97 to $213 for the full 6 week teachings. If this is hardship for you I can offer payment plans that will help relieve the stress and anxiety. When applying please let me know.
These particular teachings can help create a shift consciously in all areas of your life. Some of the practices can help us to command the movement of the day so that it doesn't command you. Others can help recharge your energy by learning to drink the Nectar of the Tonatiuh (the Sun energy). The ancestors believed that we can empower and heal ourselves consciously right before we go to sleep to help manifest our vision boards, goals, affirmations and create our dream life during the state in which the latest brain science calls the hypnagogic state. This is the best time to dream/manifest as you are drifting into sleep. The best time to empower your subconscious.
My ancestors believed that during this time of "Ensoñación" drifting to sleep, is the best time to train the subconscious to help create your waking reality. My ancestors were definitely ahead of their time. They have been doing these ancient practices for thousands of years passing them down through our oral traditions from teacher to student and parent to child. 500 hundred years ago during the conquest they were hidden and preserved in secrecy to keep the traditions intact and so that at the right moment when our society needed them they would resurface back to life to help heal the collective. As it has been given to me through my own elders teachings, I shall with respect to my elders and traditions share these practices now with you, helping to preserve the lineage along the way.
My sacred course of Dream Planting with Purpose 101 focuses on using one of our most sacredpractices called"Mexicatzin" translated to Dream Planting which is a sacred 5 Movement practice that helps you create your waking reality through the training of your subconscious. Along with this practice I have incorporated other tools to empower our dream planting by using our ancient codices, elements, and the influence of moon cycles during your state of Ensoñación.
We also learn the basic sacred calendar of days known as the Tonalpohualli (Aztec calendar) by using the potential energy of the day, our moon cycles to empower our times of when to dream plant, incorporating our plant allies for limpias (energy clearings) and our ancient practice of Quin Yoga to empower your body with movement to create more fluid energy flow. I've crafted what I like to call Dream Bouquet Siestas where you learn different powerful sequences of dream planting used during certain times and cycles within our lives and body and cycle sync them with mother nature, the elements and solar systems.
These ancient practices fall under a larger body of sacred knowledge known to some as Nahualism the sacred knowledge of my Toltec Mexhika ancestors the native people of Mexico where I was born. They were considered one of the most advanced ancient native people of Mexico. Nahualism is the art of creating who you really are, your true potential/gift, the spirit of you, the art of healing your past and ancestral patterns then empowering and manifesting YOUR Dream LIFE to the best possible version of you.
As a Medicine Carrier of these ancient teachings I started practicing lucid dreaming as a young girl and with the permission of my elders I am honored to share them with you. In our traditions the ancient ones believe we are what we dream. They believed that we can train our subconscious to create our waking reality. We use what brain science calls the hypnagogic state the time right before you are drifting off to sleep, which according to science is the best time to meditate, manifest, set goals, do affirmations and empower your subconscious. By training your subconscious right before you fall asleep your dreams will be focused on what your goals and aspirations are and not all the things you didn't do in the day or what is weighing heavy on your mind. You can recognize destructive patterns that may be appearing over and over in your life and start to shift those patterns. Learn to start bringing the value of yourself within yourself instead of searching outside of yourself for material things that are only superficial. It is said that if you start to become more aware of what you are dreaming, practicing these ancient lucid dreaming practices you can start to plant a new idea or even redirect the subconsciousness and start to bring about real change to your waking reality. The father's of phycology Freud and Carl Young said that the dreams are the most important part of who we are.
Many thought leaders, famous people and motivational coaches like Oprah Winfrey and Tony Robbins practice subconscious training to elevate their mindset and achieve their greatest potential. Michelle Rodriguez embodied these ancient practices to bring more joy into her life. She was looking to find a way to empower herself on her own without any substance to aid in the shifts. Athletes like Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Steph Curry and the Seattle Seahawks have all practiced meditation which can leads to lucidity. They all believed that by training and practicing subconscious training it enhanced their performance on a daily basis in all areas of their lives.
If you are being called to learn these ancient practices I invite you to fill out the form below and a member of our counsel of elders will get back to you. Due to the sacredness of these practices spaces are limited and each individual will need to go through the application and screening process to be considered.
Your acceptance into the program is based on many factors. The first being a COMMITTMENT the course is 6 months long and you will be asked to participate, do the work/homework and submit, complete each lesson and apply the teachings. This is not an online course where you just go through and click complete to get your certificate. Here is a summary of what the course looks like;
Monthly Group Embodiment Circles - online group call via Zoom
Online Course Portal where all your lessons and guides will be (see some of the topics below)
A one on one Dream Journey Platica (talk) & Cleansing with Deborah
Weekly Group Call Platica (talk) with Q&A weekly review
Monthly New Moon & Full Moon Ceremony
A Personal Sacred Bundle (plant smudging bundle, herbal teas, bano (bath) soak, sacred cleansing spray, divinity candle)
Monthly Special Guest Speakers (elders and medicine carriers in the community)
Here are just a few of the lessons you will dive into as you learn these sacred practice of empowerment and manifestation.
Dream Planting with Purpose 101
Dream Planting - a 5 step movement and breathing technique called Mexicatzin to help create your reality through your dreams during the hypnogogic state. This is not instant results dream planting takes daily dedication to the practice it becomes a lifestyle not a quick fix approach to life. You have to be committed to putting in the work and taking action.
CEMI - The Sweet Nectar of the Sun using these ancient breathing exercises during the sunrise, midday, sunset and midnight cycles of the sun to empower and recharge your Tonal (day) energy
Cycle Synching with the Moon and Venus for more powerful shifting and manifesting
Healing withTonantzin - using Mother Earth, nature to boost your blossoming
Learn the 20 sacred codices of the Tonalpohualli "Aztec" calendar or as we call them potentials to apply them to your daily life and manifest more joy and clarity
Grounding and empowering your energy centers we call Totonalcayos or Cueycueyos (similar to chakras)
Working with the potential codices of the day to empower your dream planting
When to cancel a dream out that no longer serves you in achieving your highest potential
Using your sexual energy the most powerful energy inside you as a tool for daily empowerment
Empowerment from the two Sacred Energies - Tonal (day energy who you are in your waking state) and Nahual (night energy who you are when you are sleeping)
Commanding the movement of the Day and Night
Dream Journaling for Success
The Smoking Mirror - working with the obsidian mirror for guidance, healing and reflection of our self.
Spiritual Hygiene - daily, weekly, monthly practices for embodiment maintenance
Grounding your sacred spinal cord with Mother Earth
Using our Inner Winds for guidance and cleansing
Creating Sacred Space - using ofrendas (altars) for divinity
Sacred Banos and Limpias - using the practice of sacred baths and clearings for rejuvenation
Ancient Plants with powerful nutritional value for boosting our health
And so much more!!
"Start Dream Planting your Life on Purpose"
Our doors open for this course January 2022 apply NOW for the wait list! Limited Participants Allowed