A traditional Platica & Limpia (energy clearing/cleansing) is a ceremony we use for clearing and cleansing our energy centers Cueycueyos (like chakras). "Limpias," are a way to clear or rebalance your energy. They have been used for thousands of years.
This Limpia Ceremony is based on the current season of the East, South, West or North direction of the Mēxihcah Medicine Wheel the Rumbos. Each season provides an opportunity for lessons learned and to grow and blossom 🌹 with beauty.
We start with your Platica (Sacred heart to heart talk) before the Limpia (cleansing) so you have the opportunity to set your intention for the ceremony. Followed by an offering to your own personal altar. We end the ceremony with your Limpia (energy clearing/cleansing). You will be given an herbal bundle with instructions for taking your sacred bath at home to seal and complete your ceremony.
The Limpia takes about 60 minutes. It is best that when planning your ceremony you leave some time after to process and rest if possible. You will also recieve details on how to prepare in advance.
Seasons of the Mēxihcah Medicine Wheel for 2024 East Direction Limpia - Spring Equinox through June 19th. Element of this direction is Wind representing your sacred breath creating growth and new paths. South Direction Limpia - Summer Solstice through September 21st. Element for this direction is Water representing your Inner Child and handling your emotions. West Direction Limpia - Fall Equinox through December 20th. Element of this direction is Fire. Your fire within you and releasing bad habits, patterns and addictions. North Direction Limpia - Winter Solstice through March 29th. Element for this direction is Earth. Your connection to your ancestors and planting seeds to grow.
The exchange for the ceremony is based on a sliding scale of $75 - $113 per person due 48 hours prior to your scheduled time. The first step in scheduling your ceremony is to schedule your initial virtual call. We take time to meet face to face to get to know each other, give you more details about the ceremony and answer any questions you may have.
There are no scheduled ceremonies during the Nēmontēmi from March 6th - March 11th. This is a time before the SHIFT in the sacred calendar what some call the Mēxihcah New Year. This is a time of rest, fasting, sitting in prayer, connecting with nature, journaling, and clearing all that we no longer want to prepare for the Shift ahead.
For all Limpia Ceremonies the client is fully clothed. The spoken words shared in sacred platica is confidential between the client and the practitioner.